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Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Tommy Le

Office Hours

9am - 5pm
Call or text us 24 hours a day!

Insurance Products Offered

Auto, Homeowners, Condo, Renters, Personal Articles, Business, Life, Health, Pet

Other Products

Banking, Annuities

State Farm® Insurance Agent

Tommy Le

Tommy Le Insurance Agency Inc

Office Hours

9am - 5pm


17929 Magnolia St.
Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5040

Right across the street from Dollar Tree

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Would you like to create a personalized quote?

Office Info

Office Hours

9am - 5pm
Call or text us 24 hours a day!


17929 Magnolia St.
Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5040
Map & Directions


English, Spanish, Vietnamese

Welcome to the Tommy Le Agency!

Our office has a combined 75 plus years of financial services experience. We work hard to help Insure you and your family so that you can sleep well at night.

Tommy graduated from the University of CA, Riverside with a Bachelor of Science. Then attended Pepperdine University with an M.B.A. He also attended Oxford University with a Certificate of Global Business Management.

He has been a Rotarian with the Orange Rotary Club since 2015 and is a member and Team Captain of the Los Caballeros Tennis Club.

Tommy is a father to his amazing son, Jacob, who enjoys playing basketball and spending time with his Dad!

Stop by to meet Tommy and his Team!

Insurance Products Offered

Auto, Homeowners, Condo, Renters, Personal Articles, Business, Life, Health, Pet

Other Products

Banking, Annuities

Office Info

Office Hours

9am - 5pm
Call or text us 24 hours a day!


17929 Magnolia St.
Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5040
Map & Directions


English, Spanish, Vietnamese

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Our State Farm mission is to help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected, and realize their dreams.
Our office has a combined 75 plus years of financial services experience. We work hard to help Insure you and your family so that you can sleep well at night.